Friday, March 20, 2009

Beer Baby

Oh my dear sweet Kam drinking at such a young age...

So there I was sitting on my bed with my husband just talking and making plans for this weekend, and Kamryn was goofing off as usually, jumping on the bed, pulling out all my clean clothes from my laundry basket, the usually chaos from Kam,--nothing to unusual when she disappeared behind our curtains.

Every minute or so she would pop out her head and giggle and try to scare us, then she spun around, and around wrapping herself up like a burrito in the curtains--one of her favorite past times, than there was a calm stillness that fell over the room--I should have known, it always gets quiet before the storm starts.

The silence is soon broken with a coughing and gagging and spitting sounds and I quickly rushed over to my baby to fish out what ever she gotten in her mouth this time, only to find her holding a half full juice box of yummy homemade beer--probably hidden behind the curtains on her many many raids of the pantry days prior. It's like a little game we play--guess what unsually place I've hidden the food today.

I quickly rushes her to the kitchen to wash out her mouth, holding her a full arms lengths out trying to escape the horrid smell still on her breath. I was tempted gag her to get the juice out of her system.

Poor thing was up all night crying and coughing. I felt like I was nursing her hangover, just hoping she wouldn't get to sick.

And I'm glad to report that Kam is back to her usually terrorizing ways and even a sip or sour juice isn't slowing her down.


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